Several people have asked me about this in private, so I thought it was
worth sending a public message about my understanding of the current

I think those of us who have been active on the discussion have mostly
stopped writing more because we had started repeating ourselves, or were
in danger of doing so, and were getting off into minutia.  Ian's and my
discussion of wording for one of the ballot options was at the point where
it needed input from other people, so I was holding off on discussing it
pending that (and I think Ian was as well).  I also don't know if Keith,
Don, or Andreas wanted to weigh in to the general discussion.

Remaining work that I'm aware of, beyond any further discussion that might
be sparked by the people who haven't yet participated, is mostly around
hashing out what the ballot options will be.  I think we have most of the
framework set up in response to Ian's draft language (thank you again,
Ian!), but there are details that are uncertain and would benefit from
more discussion.

We will also need wording for a ballot option to throw the question to a
GR if we want to have that on the ballot.  I think the general feeling of
those who have commented on that approach is that it's basically an
alternative to voting further discussion rather than anyone's primary

Speaking only personally, one of my occasional problems with Debian's
voting system is that it's very unclear in some cases what "futher
discussion" *means*.  It clearly means "we're not going to make a
decision," but in cases where we have to make a decision, it's sometimes a
weird way of phrasing the status quo.  I like having the "have a GR"
option on the ballot next to further discussion because it provides a
clear path forward for the project to make a decision, whereas in this
case further discussion doesn't really.  That effectively reserves further
discussion as the voting option for people who really think we should not
make a decision right now, as opposed to thinking we're in the wrong
decision-making process or feeling like the project should make a decision
now even if the technical committee can't reach consensus.

On a personal note, I've also gone much more quiet because I was spending
four to eight hours a day on the discussion, something that I could only
do because I was on vacation.  Since I'm now back to work, I have to
drastically reduce the amount of time I can spend on the discussion.
Thankfully, the major time investment portion seems past, but I thought it
was worth mentioning in case anyone was worried about slow responses.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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