
On 01/14/2014 10:32 PM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Sergey B Kirpichev writes ("Re: Bug#727708: Bits from linux.conf.au"):
>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 06:05:47PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
>>> I would expect the community for that init system to do the work.  So
>>> the burden on maintainers ought to be minimal.  All they ought to be
>>> required to do is ship the init-system-specific config thingy supplied
>>> by the community who are interested in that init system.  That might
>>> even be done by NMU so the maintainer would often not have to do
>>> anything at all.
>> Clearly, that's not the end of the job.  systemd/upstart/whatever
>> configs could be buggy as everything other.  Currently, if maintainer
>> provides sysv init script - he is responsible for related bugreports.
>> Who is responsible for supporting this in your scheme?  Or
>> systemd/upstart configs supposed to be written once and
>> work well forever?
> It seems to me that the community for the particular init system ought
> to fix this.  It's obviously not practical to ask the maintainer to
> debug each of these scripts.

IMHO, that means almost no support for the most of packages.

Best regards, Dmitry,
head of UNIX-tech department NRNU MEPhI,
tel. 8 (495) 788-56-99, add. 8255

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