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According to the manual sections documentation [0] and the sections of
the related commands parted [1] and gdisk [2], the cgpt manual should
be in section 8 instead of section 1. I set the correct section in the
man page I attached to my first post in this bug report, but I forgot
to change the filename to reflect that change. My new man page with
the appropriate filename (but no other changes) is attached to this

- - Karl

[0] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dother.en.html#manpage
Version: GnuPG v1

\" TROFF Macro Summary: http://www.fileformat.info/info/man-pages/macro.htm

.TH CGPT "8" "January 2014" "cgpt " "System Administration Commands"

cgpt \- Utility to manipulate GPT partitions with Chromium OS extensions

.B cgpt

Cgpt is a tool to manipulate a GUID Partition Table from the command line. 
Although several other utilities exist for the same basic purpose \- some with 
more features and a captive user interface \- cgpt is unique in that it also 
supports Chromium OS extensions. These extensions are not generally useful; 
they are specific to the u-boot firmware found on some Chromebooks. They may be 
used to change priority for kernel partitions and give other hints to u-boot 
Chromebook firmware. Use this utility only to manipulate a partition table for 
compatible Chromebooks.

Each action performed by this program \- with the notable exception of the 
\fI\-h\fR \fIOPTION\fR \- is initiated by a command which tells cgpt the type 
of operation to perform. All available commands are described below.

.IP \fBcreate\fR
Create or reset GPT headers and tables.

.IP \fBadd\fR
Add, edit, or remove a partition entry.

This command requires a minimum of three options to do anything useful. See the 
\fICREATE OPTIONS\fR section for details.

.IP \fBshow\fR
Show the partition table and entries.

.IP \fBrepair\fR
Repair damaged GPT headers and tables.

.IP \fBboot\fR
Edit the PMBR sector for legacy BIOSes.

If no \fIBOOT OPTIONS\fR are specified, this command will just print the PMBR 
boot GUID.

.IP \fBfind\fR
Find a partition by its UUID or label.

If no \fIDRIVE\fR is specified, this command will scan all physical drives for 
a match.

.IP \fBprioritize\fR
Reorder the priority of all ChromeOS kernel partitions.

If no options are specified, this command will set the lowest active kernel to 
priority 1 while maintaining the original order.

.IP \fBlegacy\fR
Switch between GPT and Legacy GPT.

The options described in this section apply to every \fICOMMAND\fR supported by 
this program.

.IP \fB-h\fR
For more detailed usage, use \fBcgpt\fR \fICOMMAND\fR \fI-h\fR

The options described in this section apply only to the \fIcreate\fR 

.IP \fB-z\fR
Zero the sectors of the GPT table and its entries.

The options described in this section apply only to the \fIadd\fR \fICOMMAND\fR.

Use the \fI-i\fR option to modify an existing partition. The \fI-b\fR, 
\fI-s\fR, and \fI-t\fR options must be given for new partitions.

.IP \fB-i\fR\ \fINUM\fR
Add the partition as number \fINUM\fR. The default, when this option is not 
used, is to use the next available partition number.

.IP \fB-b\fR\ \fINUM\fR
The partition should start at sector \fINUM\fR.

.IP \fB-s\fR\ \fINUM\fR
The partition should occupy \fINUM\fR sectors. This is the effective partition 
size, in sectors.

.IP \fB-t\fR\ \fIGUID\fR
Add a new \fIGUID\fR type partition.

allbox tab(%);
c l
c l.
\fBPartition Type\fR %\fBDescription\fR
firmware %ChromeOS firmware
kernel %ChromeOS kernel
rootfs %ChromeOS rootfs
data %Linux data
reserved %ChromeOS reserved
efi %EFI System Partition
unused %Unused (nonexistent) partition

.IP \fB-u\fR\ \fIGUID\fR
Assign the new partition \fIGUID\fR as its Partition Unique ID.

.IP \fB-l\fR\ \fILABEL\fR
Give the partition the label \fILABEL\fR.

.IP \fB-S\fR\ \fINUM\fR
Set the firmware "Successful" flag. \fINUM\fR must be either 0 or 1.

.IP \fB-T\fR\ \fINUM\fR
Set the firmware "Tries" flag. \fINUM\fR must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive).

.IP \fB-P\fR\ \fINUM\fR
Set the firmware "Priority" flag. \fINUM\fR must be between 0 and 15 

.IP \fB-A\fR\ \fINUM\fR
Set an aribtrary attribute value. \fINUM\fR must be a raw 64-bit integer.

The options described in this section apply only to the \fIshow\fR 

.IP \fB-n\fR
Display numeric output only.

.IP \fB-v\fR
Be much more verbose in the partition table output.

.IP \fB-q\fR
Prefer quick output over the greater level of detail usually printed.

.IP \fB-i\fR\ \fINUM\fR
Show partition \fINUM\fR only. The partition may be selected using one of the 
following flags. For more detailed information on each flag, see the equivalent 
flag's description in the \fIADD OPTIONS\fR section.

allbox tab(%);
c l
c l.
\fBFlag\fR %\fBShort Description\fR
\-b %Beginning sector
\-s %Partition size
\-t %Type GUID
\-u %Unique GUID
\-l %Label
\-S %Successful flag
\-T %Tries flag
\-P %Priority flag
\-A %Raw 64-bit attribute value

.IP \fB-d\fR
Print debug output, including any invalid headers which are present.

The options described in this section apply only to the \fIrepair\fR 

.IP \fB-v\fR
Print extra partition table repair details.

The options described in this section apply only to the \fIboot\fR 

.IP \fB-i\fR\ \fINUM\fR
Set partition \fINUM\fR as a bootable partition. This command merely sets the 
flag; it does not actually install a bootloader or do anything else to make the 
partition bootable.

.IP \fB-b\fR\ \fIFILE\fR
Install the bootloader code contained in the binary file \fIFILE\fR in the 
Protected Master Boot Record (PMBR). This code should be no larger than the 
PMBR (or you risk damaging the partition table).

.IP \fB-p\fR
Create a legacy Protected Master Boot Record (PMBR) Partition Table. PMBR is a 
compatibility feature for legacy support only. It must be synchronized with the 
GUID Partition Table (GPT) each time you make changes to a partition's 
constraints. Only use this feature if you absolutely need it.

The options described in this section apply only to the \fIfind\fR 

.IP \fB-t\fR\ \fIGUID\fR
Search for a \fIGUID\fR type partition. Valid partition types are enumerated 
under the \fI-t\fR \fIOPTION\fR in the \fIADD OPTIONS\fR section.

.IP \fB-u\fR\ \fIGUID\fR
Search for a partition using \fIGUID\fR as its Partition Unique ID.

.IP \fB-l\fR\ \fILABEL\fR
Search for a partition with the label \fILABEL\fR.

.IP \fB-v\fR
Be verbose in displaying matches. The output will get progressively more 
verbose the more times this option is specified (to a point).

.IP \fB-n\fR
Display numeric output only.

.IP \fB-1\fR
Fail if more than one match is found.

.IP \fB-M\fR\ \fIFILE\fR
Matching partitions must also contain the content in the binary file \fIFILE\fR.

.IP \fB-O\fR\ \fINUM\fR
If \fI-M\fR is specified, start matching \fIFILE\fR's contents at the byte 
offset \fINUM\fR into the partition. By default (if this option is not 
specified), data is matched from the beginning of the partition (\fI-O\fR 0).

The options described in this section apply only to the \fIprioritize\fR 

.IP \fB-P\fR\ \fINUM\fR
Set \fINUM\fR as the highest priority in the new ordering. The other partitions 
will be ranked in decreasing priority while preserving their original order. 
The lowest ranks will be coalesced, if necessary; no active kernels will be 
lowered to priority 0.

.IP \fB-i\fR\ \fINUM\fR
Make partition \fINUM\fR the highest priority partition in the new order.

.IP \fB-f\fR
Give friends of the specified partition (those with the same starting priority) 
the new highest priority as well.

The options described in this section apply only to the \fIlegacy\fR 

.IP \fB-e\fR
Switch the GPT header signature back to "EFI PART". By default the GPT header 
signature will be switched to "CHROMEOS".

Perform the specified operations on \fIDRIVE\fR. \fIDRIVE\fR should be a block 
device (typically /dev/sd[a-z] or /dev/mmcblk[0-9]) or a raw file representing 
a disk image.

The following examples demonstrate valid syntax only. It is up to you to 
interpret them based on the documentation in this manual.

\fBcgpt\fR \fIshow\fR /dev/mmcblk0
\fBcgpt\fR \fIcreate\fR /dev/mmcblk0
\fBcgpt\fR \fIadd\fR \fI-i\fR 2 \fI-S\fR 1 \fI-T\fR 15 \fI-P\fR 15 /dev/mmcblk0
\fBcgpt\fR \fIadd\fR \fI-i\fR 1 \fI-t\fR data \fI-l\fR "STATE" /dev/mmcblk0
\fBcgpt\fR \fIadd\fR \fI-i\fR 2 \fI-t\fR kernel \fI-l\fR "KERN-A" /dev/mmcblk0
\fBcgpt\fR \fIadd\fR \fI-i\fR 3 \fI-t\fR rootfs \fI-l\fR "ROOT-A" /dev/mmcblk0

This manual page was written by Karl Lenz <xorangekil...@gmail.com> for the 
Debian project (but may be used by others).

Cgpt is copyright 2010-2013, The Chromium OS Authors
This manual page is copyright 2014, Karl Lenz

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are 
permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this 
notice are preserved.

Cgpt is provided "as is" with no warranty. The exact terms under which you may 
use and (re)distribute this program are detailed in the BSD 3-Clause License, 
which is distributed with this program in the LICENSE file. On Debian systems, 
the complete text of the BSD 3-Clause License can be found in 

.BR parted (8),
.BR gdisk (8),
.BR gptsync (8)

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