On 12-Jul-2005, Ben Finney wrote:
> CherryPy 2.0.0-final has been released (2005-04-25). The download
> page refers to Debian package files.
>     <URL:http://www.cherrypy.org/wiki/CherryPyDownload>

That same page now says that 2.1.0 has been released (2005-10-21).

It also says:

    "CP2 is now in the official Debian GNU/Linux repository."

I'm not sure why they think that. The latest available seems to still
be 0.10 in Debian.


What's actually happening with getting CherryPy 2.0 or 2.1.0 into

 \     "For certain people, after fifty, litigation takes the place of |
  `\                                              sex."  -- Gore Vidal |
_o__)                                                                  |

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