On Fri, 17 Jan 2014 21:04:03 -0300
"Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer" <perezme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> tag 735842 moreinfo
> thanks
> On Friday 17 January 2014 21:56:07 Sven Bartscher wrote:
> > Package: meta-kde
> > Version: 5:82
> > Severity: normal
> > 
> > There is this nice service in KDE which opens a virtual terminal (usually
> > /dev/pts/0) and makes it writable to all users, so you get notifications on
> > your desktop, which would normally go to some opened terminals.
> > 
> > When I (or some other user, including nobody) write to this terminal while
> > Amarok is playing music, everything stays normal until Amarok switches to
> > the next song. Then the Volume of amarok gets suddenly set to 100%, which
> > is very annoying and also very loud.
> > 
> > This can be tested by just doing 'echo test > /dev/pts/0' and then waiting
> > until Amarok switches to the next song.
> This sounds like an amarok bug. Let me ask you some questions:
> - Does kmix changes it's values after amarok switched songs?

Yes kmix does change the volume bar of the Amarok stream.

> - Can you reproduce it with another audoiio player? Like vlc, or clementeime, 
> for example.

I reproduced this with VLC. The Volume changed to 100% too.

> Kinds regards, Lisandro.
> -- 
> "With great power comes great responsibility."
>   Peter Parker's uncle.
> Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
> http://perezmeyer.com.ar/
> http://perezmeyer.blogspot.com/

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