Dear Andreas,

I guess a fresh installation is not yet an option right now, since it
would make to much effort.

I guess I'll wait until GDM 3.10 hits Debian/testing.

The only thing, if I find some time, I could do is set up a new virtual
installation of Debian/testing.

But you see, you also run into a bug with the display managers. :-)

I hope that an Xorg or DM update will fix things for me.

Also can't await to see E18 in Debian. Maybe your E17 crashes because of
the by default enabled composite manager, I also have to disable the
module for E17.3 because with it enabled things get very slow and

With many greetings,


On Wed, 2014-01-22 at 15:49 +0100, Andreas Cadhalpun wrote: 
> Hi Adrian,
> On 22.01.2014 14:40, Adrian Immanuel Kieß wrote:
> > yes the screen does indeed turn off for a while while GDM is loading
> > when I dont't exit plymouth.
> Strange.
> > Maybe should I purge GDM3 and try over again? I have no clue why GDM
> > does only works so sluggish for me.
> This may help - at least I think this can't make things worse...
> > As noted in my last mail, with XDM, KDM and lightdm I can't even start
> > my xinitrc session, since they refuse to exec enlightenment_start.
> I just installed lightdm and e17 and started e17 from lightdm. This 
> worked for me (although e17 segfaulted shortly after that).
> > I really have no clue where this all comes from, this is why I am asking
> > on the bugreport list. :-)
> >
> > To note, my installation is a Debian 5 installation, upgraded to
> > Debian/testing and running on so far.
> >
> > I already reported other sometimes strange bugs happening for me, for
> > example gkrellm seqfaulting when I type an umlaut; I use xmodmap by the
> > way.
> >
> > Maybe you have an idea how to make GDM run smoothly again.
> If you have free hard disk space, I would recommend you to create a 
> fresh jessie installation and see, whether these problems happen there 
> as well.
> If yes, you know how to reproduce the problem in a fresh installation, 
> which might help solving it.
> If no, you should think about migrating to the fresh installation.
> Best regards,
> Andreas

With greetings from Leipzig, Germany.
Adrian Immanuel Kieß 

Administrator & programmer
Unix / Perl / LaTeX

mail: <adrian (at)>

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