On Tue, 2014-01-28 at 01:12 +0400, Алексей Логинов wrote:
> > Sorry but I'm not interested in patches for RPM distro.
> Believe if you take rpm package and make deb package with alien, then
> all will work.
Yes, but this is not Debian's way to create packages! Packages should
build from source.

> > Debian policy does not allow us to link to a binary libgdb provided
> by FPC upstream.
> You did not see patches, there is no libgdb provided by FPC upstream,
> there is official gdb-7.5.1.tar.bz2.
I think you misunderstood my words. I'd say that FPC is supporting a
particular version of libgdb. This is not about if the sources are
official gdb sources or not, the issue is that in Debian only one gdb
source package should exist and this is now 7.6.0.

> > Few years ago, we made gdb folks create a libgdb package for us,
> based
> > on latest gdb code, but this was not really useful as FPC upstream
> was
> > not interested in pushing fp-ide to the latest libgdb, but also
> because
> > multiple dependencies of that lib are not packaged. So this resulted
> in
> > my decision to drop debugger support.
> It's big error to have latest libgdb. fp don't use system gdb and have
> own gdb. fp and gdb are compiling together when package is building.
> For example, fp can be compiled with gdb 7.5.1, but you can have any
> gdb version in the system.
You can trust that I'm aware about this!
We should use libgdb-dev from http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gdb.html
we don't have the choice. But his was removed. You can see that
http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/libgdb-dev exists but
http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/libgdb-dev does not exist.

Also please refer to
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=706623#10 in answer to
your own question!

> For example, rpm package from Mageia works in Fedora, Alt Linux
> without rebuilding and these distros
> haves different versions of gdb, but fp uses only own gdb-7.5.1.
Again I don't say this will not work, I just say we are not allowed to
do it due to Debian policy restrictions on using object libraries.

> > Now, to be honest, fp-ide is relying on a feature of gdb that is no
> more maintained
> It' s not truth, see comment from Pierre Muller
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=528855#30
I'm aware about this but it can't help here. We need libgdb-dev package
to be resurrected.
I'd suggest you contact gdb maintainers in Debian for this purpose. Or
ask this on dd@l.d.o and get a consensus about it.

Good luck if you want to do this.

> > However if someone wants to change this situation, I'll be glad to
> push his patches.
> I gave all patches, but you did not see them.
I've tested your patches. I've quite few stash on my git about fp-ide
+gdb but none is linking. What I would accept is a patch you tested on
sid. I can help you (offline this bug) to manage to have something
working. Please email directly Debian Pascal packaging
<pkg-pascal-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org> asking for instructions to

Please keep in mind we are trying to help you, even if we are not
interested in these features. So please be patient and keep cool.


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