On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Kai Storbeck <k...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> On 27/01/2014 04:25, Andrew Starr-Bochicchio wrote:
>> Hi Kai,
>> I came across your package on mentors, and I am interested in
>> sponsoring it. Though, I ran into a few issues that need to be fixed
>> first.
> Hello Andrew,
> Thanks for your response. I've marked the package as "no need for a
> sponsor", but your feedback is very welcome.
> Perhaps my discussions with Sebastian should've been Cc'ed to this bug.

No worries. Less work for me!

>> 1) You seem to maintain the packaging in a VCS:

> Since I'm joining the python application packaging team, I'll be moving
> to SVN. I'm probably going to import the last uploaded version (1.20-1
> or 1.1?) to svn.debian.org with this command:
> $ svn import -m "New import" roundup \
>  svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/python-apps/packages/roundup/trunk
> Would that do the right thing? I presume I now have access to
> svn.debian.org, being in the team listing on Alioth? Would you know that?
> If you don't know, I'll ask on the debian-python listing.

You can use svn-inject. It will take care of creating the needed
directories and such. Take a look here:


>> 2) There are minified version of JQuery and Bootstrap located in:
>> share/roundup/templates/jinja2/static
> Thanks. I'm aware of that; Sebastian pointed this out too. I've already
> posted upstream to ask them to include a non-minified version.
> For 1.5.0 I'm a bit in the dark on how to proceed. Can I remove those
> files, and ship a symlink to jquery and bootstrap packages? Or should I
> make a full-fledged _dfsg.tgz file, and build from that?

IMHO, I'd go ahead and create a DFSG tarball removing them. This can
now be automated with the latest version of uscan. See here:


>> As you already remove other copies of JQuery in other templates, you
>> probably already know that you should use the system copies.
>> Additionally, minified JavaScript objects that are installed with the
>> binary package must be built from source. Same goes for the minified
>> Bootstrap css files in that directory.
> Ah. css too. Sometimes I think its less work to let upstream build a
> package, and let it drop from debian.

I know the feeling, but I'd encourage you not to give up!

>> Also, as long as these files are shipped in the tarball, their license
>> information needs to be documented in debian/copyright.
> Ouch. They are using bootstrap 2.2.2. That tarfile is not downloadable
> from getbootstrap.com anymore, so I can only guess that this was
> licenced under Apache 2.0. Would that be enough?

Sure. The file header reads:

 * Bootstrap v2.2.2
 * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc
 * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Also it seems to still be available on their github:


-- Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

   Ubuntu Developer <https://launchpad.net/~andrewsomething>
   Debian Developer <http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=asb>

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