Mats Sjöberg wrote:
> Very strange, since it works fine for me (I just tested it).  From
> your description it sounds like it is the actual file upload POST
> request that fails for some reason.  Are you able to catch the exact
> error message, it should include some error id's and the URL it fails
> on:
>     "Network or authorisation error [%1/%2] %3."

Happened again today:

Error: Network or authorisation error [1/8]


* On dialup again, 1 mb image (few minutes to upload).
* Got to 15% and stalled. No network activity. I canceled.
* Now each time I try to make a post, pumpa has remembered the post it
  failed to make. When I re-submit it, I get the error message quite
  quickly, after at most a few seconds uploading activity.
* No difficulty posting via web.

see shy jo

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