Hi Graham,

On 27-01-14 08:49, Graham Inggs wrote:
> Hi Paul
> On 24/01/2014 11:42, Paul Gevers wrote:
>> Interesting that I have missed this the first time that you did this
>> work. Funny thing is that we are trying to get things related to
>> FreePascal into one team, so I invite you to have a look at pkg-pascal
>> on Alioth.
> I'd be happy to maintain doublecmd and doublecmd-help packages as part
> of the pkg-pascal team.

So, please request to be added to the team via the web-interface and
subscribe to the e-mail list. I will acknowledge when I receive the request.

>> If upstream of doublecmd is really active, maybe we should drop tuxcmd
>> altogether (it is orphaned). If we do, maybe we could help people
>> migrate in the next release by handling this properly.
> Would/could we do this even if doublecmd is not a fork of tuxcmd?

Difficult question, but I believe the answer is yes. As tuxcmd is
currently unmaintained in Debian, and hardly supported upstream, I think
it is warranted to request for removal (or depending on the scheme we
intent to follow, an adoption). If doublecmd is a viable replacement of
tuxcmd, we can help Debian users to find a replacement which can be
supported from the Debian point of view. I must admit, I haven't fully
figured out how we should do this the right way™.

>> Could you investigate (if you have the time of course) if tuxcmd has
>> features that are still lacking in doublecmd?
> Is this still required, seeing that doublecmd is not a fork of tuxcmd?

If you feel my response above is not fully ridiculous, the answer is yes.

But in the mean time, as discussed in private, build, signed and
uploaded for now.


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