Prach Pongpanich writes:
 > On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Markus Hoenicka
 > <> wrote:
 > [..]
 > >> It's got the same result as without "-fsigned-char". :(
 > >
 > >
 > > Ok, maybe this change alone was not sufficient. I went through the changes
 > > between the latest 0.8.x release (where things apparently still worked) and
 > > 0.9, and I suspect that we need some of the configure magic that was 
 > > cleaned
 > > out before 0.9. Could you please test the appended patches against
 > > of both libdbi and libdbi-drivers? To fix the problem, we may
 > > have to fiddle with both packages at a time.
 > >
 > (Cc:-ing #737126)
 > That reduced failures, but still remain the issue with "the_float" and
 > "the_double".
 > Running "libdbi framework test"...
 > test_dbi.c:3732: unit test failure: sqlite3 -> libdbi connection ->
 > Retrieving fields as -> test_dbi_result_get_as_longlong -> [-1] should
 > match [0] at [test_dbi.c] line [3732]
 > test_dbi.c:3733: unit test failure: sqlite3 -> libdbi connection ->
 > Retrieving fields as -> test_dbi_result_get_as_longlong -> [-1] should
 > match [0] at [test_dbi.c] line [3733]
 > Running "libdbi framework test"...
 > Running "libdbi framework test"...
 > Running "libdbi framework test"...
 > Completed "libdbi framework test": 397 passes, 2 failures, 0 exceptions.
 > make: *** [test-stamp] Error 1
 > -- 
 >  Prach

Ok, seems we're halfway there. It is certainly worth checking all the
compiler warnings that Laszlo mentioned. But the above mentioned
failures may be related to the way how libdbi converts floating
point numbers to long long values. Prach, could you please run the
test program below and report any compiler warnings as well as the
output on armel?


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  float bigfloat = 3.402823e+38;
  long long bigfloat_casted;

  bigfloat_casted = (long long)bigfloat;
  printf("%lld\n", bigfloat_casted);
  exit (0);

Markus Hoenicka
AQ score 38

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