Control: forwarded -1 

Hi David,

Le lundi, 3 février 2014, 13.17:36 David Prévot a écrit :
> Jean-Paul, the manpage French translator, noticed formatting issues in
> ipptool.1, patch attached (

Nice, thanks!

> He also noticed the fonts (italic/bold) were messed up, here is a more
> invasive patch to follow man(1) conventions for ipptool.1
> ( – besides a typo fix
> (s/sucessful/successful/), the patch “only” touches the layout.
> My guess is the other pages are also affected by such formatting
> issues, and I’m happy to provide patches to fix them too in the form
> you prefer, providing that you’re willing to accept them (because
> it’s kinda time-consuming to prepare), or even better if upstream
> would be willing to accept them. I’m happy to follow your guidance
> (pointers) if you wish me to contact upstream directly.

To be frank, I'd rather avoid invasive patches on the upstream manpages, 
because that becomes a mess to maintain on the long-term, and that's 
better handled on the upstream side.

I have therefore pushed your patches to the upstream bugtracker [0]:

… also asking whether he would be interested in more patches… Let's see 
if that would be welcome.


[0] Which unfortunately imposes subscription.

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