On 06.02.2014 22:44, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> According to recent conversations in mailing lists, I got the
> impression that the Debian menu is going to be killed (and if it's
> not, I think that it will be due to lack of enthusiasm to make the
> necessary changes in the policy).
> Either way, since the fix is easy, we can incorporate it, no problem.

Indeed the discussion is here:


The original intention of the bug submitter was to "soften the
wordening" about menu files. The current policy still recommends that
every package should have a menu file. As I have pointed out in that bug
report, I support the submitter's point of view that the freedesktop
standard has superseded Debian's menu system but I think lowering the
menu system to "suggest" would be fine since it still provides value to
lightweight and custom desktop environments.

However we are closer than ever to support both menu systems equally
good in all game packages. Most (meaning more than 90%) games packages
ship already both, a desktop and menu file. I'm convinced that the menu
package and the menu system will not go away for Jessie, meaning at
least three years of additional support. I think that's already worth
the (little) trouble.

Thanks for considering it!



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