On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 07:27:06PM +0100, Luciano Bello wrote:
> I think your contribution is necessary. Would you like to comment something 
> out 
> here? :)

As Raphael said, the OVAL script generation code is broken but can be fixed.
I just either need spare time to be able to work on this and/or help from
a colleague maintainer to recover this.

For more information please see

Please notice that the definitions pre-2010 are OK and can be used. The
problem is in the definitions after that time.

When will it be fixed? I really can't tell, I'm swamped with work (real life
and Debian-related) and some other issues are ahead in the priority queue.

We are still listed in the OVAL page [1] as an "OVAL content repository" but
we should really fix this.

Now, if there are people actively using OVAL in the field (and using the OVAL
language interpreter packaged in Debian [2]) it would be really great if they
stepped in and helped with this issue (and the bugs surrounding the



[1] https://oval.mitre.org/repository/about/other_repositories.html
[2] http://packages.debian.org/sid/ovaldi

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