On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 13:58:17 +0100, Daniel Pocock wrote:

> On 11/02/14 13:44, Markus Wanner wrote:
> > On 02/11/2014 01:40 PM, Julien Cristau wrote:
> >> Please try to avoid versioned -dev packages.  Unless you really really
> >> have to keep both versions around for years.
> > Why is that? Keep in mind this is a headers-only library, i.e. it only
> > ever ships with a -dev (and a -doc) package. There's no other way
> > multiple versions of this library can be installed on a system.
> >
> Julien, Fedora and EPEL6 still have 1.4.8 as well.  We don't know how
> widely it is used in things that are not packaged (e.g. in private code
> that people run on Debian)
That's irrelevant, as far as I'm concerned.

> If we release a versions libasio1.4-dev package and libasio1.10-dev
> concurrently in jessie it will mean people can transition more slowly
> but nothing will really break
And if you don't they can still use the old version, either through the
old package or through an unpackaged local version.  Shipping libraries
in Debian only makes sense if Debian packages use them, IMO.


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