* Alexandre Detiste <alexandre.deti...@gmail.com> [140129 09:24]:
> I use this game and I'm willing to help.


Unfortunately not a lot has changed since my last message. Due to the
non-redistributability of opentyrian-data, it's impossible to create a
source package for it. For the moment I created an open-tyrian binary
package that installs the data files to
/usr/share/games/opentyrian/data. The zip can be found at the
following URL:


However it's not possible as is. This zip file should be downloaded
and unpacked during postinst to somewhere in /var (cache or lib). It
is also possible to do this before launching the game somewhere in
$HOME. The latter is probably better as it avoids to download as root.

In the meantime, if you want to test, you can remove the dependency
and launch the game in a directory where data/ contains game data (see

For the actual download code, I don't know if it's possible to use
game-data-packager, but it's always possible to roll our own solution,
à la flashplugin-nonfree.

In the meantime, I refreshed my packaging, fixed a few 
warnings and pushed my package to the following URL:


As you can see your help is welcome :)

You can add yourself to Uploaders and help fix the remaining lintian
warnings, do the copyright review (should be OK), and/or of course
find a solution for the data files :)

If it's your first package I'll be happy to help you.

Please let me know what you're interested in.

Etienne Millon

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