severity 712545 important

On 14.02.14 Hilmar Preusse ( wrote:


> I *think* I see the same problem, at least I have about the same
> backtrace.  I see the problem when displaying pictures e.g.  using
> display.  Attached is the gdb backtrace.  I you need more debug
> symbols e.g.  for glibc or xserver-xorg-video-nouveau please call
> back.
I guess debug of the nouveau code is relevant. Here is the bt of
the same core dump after installing xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-dbg.

Further I think that bug is important -> raising sev.

sigmentation fault
A debugging session is active.

        Inferior 1 [process 3820] will be detached.

Quit anyway? (y or n) Detaching from program: /usr/bin/Xorg, process 3820
#0  0xb723b667 in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
No symbol table info available.
#1  0xb723ea52 in srandom () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
No symbol table info available.
#2  0xb76fe719 in OsAbort () at ../../os/utils.c:1198
No locals.
#3  0xb75f8967 in ddxGiveUp (error=error@entry=EXIT_ERR_ABORT)
    at ../../../../hw/xfree86/common/xf86Init.c:1009
        i = <optimized out>
#4  0xb75f8a13 in AbortDDX (error=error@entry=EXIT_ERR_ABORT)
    at ../../../../hw/xfree86/common/xf86Init.c:1053
        i = <optimized out>
#5  0xb7703d01 in AbortServer () at ../../os/log.c:476
No locals.
#6  0xb7703e25 in FatalError (
    f=f@entry=0xb7728c28 "Caught signal %d (%s). Server aborting\n")
    at ../../os/log.c:611
        args = 0xbf9e0cd4 "\v"
        beenhere = 1
#7  0xb76fc238 in OsSigHandler (sip=0xbf9e0cfc, signo=11, 
    unused=<optimized out>) at ../../os/osinit.c:146
No locals.
#8  OsSigHandler (signo=11, sip=0xbf9e0cfc, unused=0xbf9e0d7c)
    at ../../os/osinit.c:107
No locals.
#9  <signal handler called>
No symbol table info available.
#10 0xb6fc9185 in pushbuf_krel (push=push@entry=0xb7d71f30, 
    bo=bo@entry=0xb80f4290, data=data@entry=204800, flags=flags@entry=4096, 
    vor=vor@entry=0, tor=tor@entry=0) at ../../src/../drm_nouveau/pushbuf.c:246
        krec = 0xb7d82668
        krel = 0xb7d8c66c
        bkref = 0x0
        reloc = 204800
#11 0xb6fcab1c in nouveau_pushbuf_reloc (push=push@entry=0xb7d71f30, 
    bo=bo@entry=0xb80f4290, data=data@entry=204800, flags=flags@entry=4096, 
    vor=vor@entry=0, tor=tor@entry=0) at ../../src/../drm_nouveau/pushbuf.c:738
No locals.
#12 0xb6fd5faf in PUSH_RELOC (tor=0, vor=0, flags=4096, 
    offset=<optimized out>, bo=<optimized out>, push=0xb7d71f30)
    at ../../src/nouveau_local.h:129
No locals.
#13 NV04EXACopy (pdpix=0xb8173468, srcX=0, srcY=92, dstX=8, dstY=13, 
    width=783, height=268) at ../../src/nv04_exa.c:245
        dst_bo = 0xb80f4290
        dst_pitch = <optimized out>
        pScrn = <optimized out>
        pNv = 0xb7d723a0
        push = 0xb7d71f30
        split_dstY = 64
        split_height = 51
#14 0xb6f915e4 in exaHWCopyNtoN (pSrcDrawable=pSrcDrawable@entry=0xb8171b98, 
    pDstDrawable=pDstDrawable@entry=0xb8173468, pGC=pGC@entry=0xb8165be0, 
    pbox=<optimized out>, pbox@entry=0xbf9e12e4, nbox=<optimized out>, 
    nbox@entry=1, dx=dx@entry=-8, dy=dy@entry=79, reverse=reverse@entry=0, 
    upsidedown=upsidedown@entry=0) at ../../exa/exa_accel.c:490
        pExaScr = 0xb7d807a8
        pSrcPixmap = 0xb8171b98
        pDstPixmap = 0xb8173468
        pSrcExaPixmap = 0xb8171bd0
        pDstExaPixmap = 0xb81734a0
        src_off_x = <optimized out>
        src_off_y = <optimized out>
        dst_off_x = 0
        dst_off_y = 0
        srcregion = 0xb816b2d0
        dstregion = 0xb81691c8
        rects = 0xb81691c8
        ret = 1
#15 0xb6f919d8 in exaCopyNtoN (pSrcDrawable=0xb8171b98, 
    pDstDrawable=0xb8173468, pGC=0xb8165be0, pbox=0xbf9e12e4, nbox=1, dx=-8, 
    dy=79, reverse=0, upsidedown=0, bitplane=0, closure=0x0)
    at ../../exa/exa_accel.c:582
        pExaScr = 0xb7d807a8
#16 0xb76d4fbc in miCopyRegion (pSrcDrawable=pSrcDrawable@entry=0xb8171b98, 
    pDstDrawable=pDstDrawable@entry=0xb8173468, pGC=pGC@entry=0xb8165be0, 
    pDstRegion=pDstRegion@entry=0xbf9e12e4, dx=dx@entry=-8, dy=dy@entry=79, 
    copyProc=copyProc@entry=0xb6f91920 <exaCopyNtoN>, 
    bitPlane=bitPlane@entry=0, closure=closure@entry=0x0)
    at ../../mi/micopy.c:121
        careful = <optimized out>
        reverse = 0
        upsidedown = <optimized out>
        pbox = 0xbf9e12e4
        nbox = 1
        pboxNew1 = <optimized out>
        pboxNew2 = 0x0
        pboxBase = <optimized out>
        pboxNext = <optimized out>
        pboxTmp = <optimized out>
#17 0xb76d55f0 in miDoCopy (pSrcDrawable=pSrcDrawable@entry=0xb8171b98, 
    pDstDrawable=pDstDrawable@entry=0xb8173468, pGC=pGC@entry=0xb8165be0, 
    xIn=xIn@entry=0, yIn=yIn@entry=92, widthSrc=widthSrc@entry=783, 
    heightSrc=heightSrc@entry=268, xOut=xOut@entry=8, yOut=yOut@entry=13, 
    copyProc=copyProc@entry=0xb6f91920 <exaCopyNtoN>, 
    bitPlane=bitPlane@entry=0, closure=closure@entry=0x0)
    at ../../mi/micopy.c:297
        prgnSrcClip = 0x0
        freeSrcClip = 0
        prgnExposed = 0x0
        rgnDst = {extents = {x1 = 8, y1 = 13, x2 = 791, y2 = 281}, data = 0x0}
        dx = -8
        dy = 79
        box_x1 = 8
        box_y1 = <optimized out>
        box_x2 = 791
        box_y2 = <optimized out>
        fastSrc = 1
        fastDst = 1
        fastExpose = 1
#18 0xb6f900c2 in exaCopyArea (dsty=13, dstx=8, height=268, width=783, 
    srcy=92, srcx=0, pGC=0xb8165be0, pDstDrawable=0xb8173468, 
    pSrcDrawable=0xb8171b98) at ../../exa/exa_accel.c:608
No locals.
#19 exaCopyArea (pSrcDrawable=0xb8171b98, pDstDrawable=0xb8173468, 
    pGC=0xb8165be0, srcx=0, srcy=92, width=783, height=268, dstx=8, dsty=13)
    at ../../exa/exa_accel.c:598
        pExaScr = 0x32000
#20 0xb76842ed in damageCopyArea (pSrc=0xb8171b98, pDst=0xb8173468, 
    pGC=0xb8165be0, srcx=0, srcy=92, width=783, height=268, dstx=8, dsty=13)
    at ../../../miext/damage/damage.c:824
        ret = <optimized out>
        pGCPriv = 0xb8165c60
        oldFuncs = 0xb7769dc0
#21 0xb75b2d23 in ProcCopyArea (client=0xb80ec020) at ../../dix/dispatch.c:1623
        pDst = 0xb8173468
        pSrc = 0xb8171b98
        pGC = 0xb8165be0
        stuff = 0xb4f5c4d0
        pRgn = <optimized out>
        rc = <optimized out>
#22 0xb75b7375 in Dispatch () at ../../dix/dispatch.c:428
        clientReady = 0xb7fbf3a0
        result = <optimized out>
        client = 0xb80ec020
        nready = 0
        icheck = 0xb7771118
        start_tick = 12020
#23 0xb75a4e95 in main (argc=13, argv=0xbf9e1594, envp=0xbf9e15cc)
    at ../../dix/main.c:288
        i = <optimized out>
        alwaysCheckForInput = {0, 1}

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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