reopen 656890 !

as the email below never got answered but the issue is still there and I wouldn't like the bug to be archived, I reopen it. This said I don't have libxine1 installed (anymore) so it might need to be reassigned to libxine2 and/or xineliboutput-sxfe, but I don't have the necessary insight to understand what's exactly going on here.

# LANG=C dpkg-query -W *xine* | awk 'NF == 2'
libxine2        1.2.4-1
libxine2-bin    1.2.4-1
libxine2-doc    1.2.2-4
libxine2-ffmpeg 1.2.2-4
libxine2-misc-plugins   1.2.4-1
libxine2-plugins        1.2.2-4
libxine2-x      1.2.2-4
libxine2-xvdr   1.1.0-1
libxine2-xvdr-dbg       1.1.0-1
libxinerama1:amd64      2:1.1.2-1+deb7u1
vdr-plugin-xineliboutput        1.1.0-1
vdr-plugin-xineliboutput-dbg    1.1.0-1
xine-ui 0.99.7-1
xineliboutput-sxfe      1.1.0-1
xineliboutput-sxfe-dbg  1.1.0-1

Cheers, Eric

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Bug#666742 closed by Darren Salt <> (Bug#666742: fixed in xine-lib-1.2 1.2.3-1)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:58:25 +0200
From: Eric Lavarde <>
Organization: Debian Bugs
To: Darren Salt <>, Tobias Grimm <>

Hello again,

my hardware problems are still on-going but I found some time to look
further into the issue: attached, you'll find all the logfiles and core
analysis results, as well as the scripts I'm using to start vdr-sxfe as
well as doing the core analysis.

To explain the multiple vdr-sxfe.PID.log files: vdr-sxfe was running
under the PID 3982, then I tried to look at the picture which made
vdr-sxfe fail and restart, overwriting the core file each time until I
save it with the PID 4178. vdr-sxfe then started a last time with PID
4266 but doesn't show any picture (only the red "No Signal" message).
VDR at the same time seems to continue working, even if sluggish: I can
switch between images and big pictures still make vdr-sxfe crash,
whereas small ones are shown.
I attach the syslog where you can see the repeated crashes of vdr-sxfe,
while vdr continues to run.

Core file is available under

How do you want to handle this? Re-open the bug, create a new one,
against which package... Let me know if you need me to do more tests.

Thanks, Eric

On 08/06/13 12:27, Eric Lavarde wrote:
Hello Darren, Tobias,

thanks for uploading this new version, but it didn't really fix the
issue: the first image selected is shown, but then vdr-sxfe freezes and,
even if I restart it, it doesn't show any further image, and crashes on
some images even when I try to browse through them (vdr itself seems to
work fine).

I haven't looked further into it, I have hardware problems and am a bit
stressed personally (nothing serious, but still), so I just wanted to
tell you, and ask if I should reopen the bug or create a new one, once
I've gathered more information?

Thanks, Eric

PS: as a side remark, I must honestly say that I'm a bit fed up with the
quality of the libxineoutput plugin and vdr-sxfe, it crashes regularly,
hangs on HD-Television (I didn't report this one yet), image and
Internet Radio issues...

On 29/05/13 19:09, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
which was filed against the libxine2 package:

#666742: xineliboutput-sxfe: vdr-sxfe fails on looking big images with
xineliboutput plugin

It has been closed by Darren Salt <>.

Their explanation is attached below along with your original report.
If this explanation is unsatisfactory and you have not received a
better one in a separate message then please contact Darren Salt
<> by
replying to this email.

Attachment: vdr-sxfe.4178.txz
Description: application/xz-compressed-tar


if [ ! -f "$1" ] || [ ! -x "$1" ]
        echo "Usage: $0 <exec-file> <core-file>" >&2
        exit 1
if [ ! -f "$2" ] || [ ! -r "$2" ]
        echo "Usage: $0 <exec-file> <core-file>" >&2
        exit 1


gdb "${EXEC}" --core="${CORE}" --batch -ex "where" > "${CORE}.gdb_where"
gdb "${EXEC}" --core="${CORE}" --batch -ex "bt" > "${CORE}.gdb_bt"
gdb "${EXEC}" --core="${CORE}" --batch -ex "thread apply all bt" > 



if [ "$1" = "-f" -o "$2" = "-f"  ]; then

if [ "$1" = "-v" -o "$2" = "-v"  ]; then
        cd "${DIR}"
        ulimit -c unlimited
        vdr-sxfe $FULLSCREEN --verbose \
tvtime:method=Linear,cheap_mode=1,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1 \
                --audio=alsa \
                --tcp xvdr+tcp:// > ${DIR}/vdr-sxfe.$$.log 2>&1
        vdr-sxfe $FULLSCREEN --silent \
tvtime:method=Linear,cheap_mode=1,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1 \
                --audio=alsa \
                --tcp xvdr+tcp://

Attachment: syslog.4178.xz
Description: application/xz

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