> >> > I see. In that case, I'll have to leave the package as it until
> >> > something along those lines is implemented.

So, I got conversion to float implemented now and tested with the
generic_nofpu decoder on x86-64. It _should_ of course work with ARM,
too;-) If you'd like to check the current snapshot of mpg123,

        http://mpg123.org/snapshot/mpg123-20140220132548.tar.bz2 ,

you hopefull will find that any normal build of mpg123 (unless
specifying --disable-float explicitly) now offers all usual formats. As
a bonus, I even implemented the 8 Bit A-Law output, which has always
just been a placeholder (nobody missed it, apparently).

I'd be interested on some timings of

        mpg123 -t -e s16 test.mp3
        mpg123 -t -e f32 test.mp3

with the various builds you'll do for the ARM variants. Best would be running

        perl scripts/benchmark-cpu.pl src/mpg123 



as reference album, as mentioned on


to be able to compare the performance of the code and machine to
others. This yields output like this:

#mpg123 benchmark (user CPU time in seconds for decoding)
#decoder        t_s16/s t_f32/s
x86-64  3.39    4.05
generic 6.15    6.01
generic_dither  6.36    5.97

... or this, with --with-cpu=generic_fpu:

#mpg123 benchmark (user CPU time in seconds for decoding)
#decoder        t_s16/s t_f32/s
generic 6.14    6.29

(on a Core2Duo machine).

> Yes, you can do that - build several copies of the library and use the
> hwcaps / auxv approach to pick the best one for the hardware at link
> time.
> >NEON detection may come... but if we have linker selection, that would
> >be covered right now.
> Yup.

Seconding the second part: Linker selection it is. NEON runtime
detection just isn't fun in user code.

The bright side: If the multiple builds are setup and tested, I can
safely release mpg123-1.19.0 with the changes and we finally have this

Alrighty then,


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