Control: reassign -1 src:python3-defaults 3.2.3-6

On Lu, 24 feb 14, 03:17:59, Bálint Réczey wrote:
> Source: python3-minimal
> Version: 3.2.3-6
> Severity: normal
> Tags: patch
> Dear Maintainer,
> Autogenerated debian/control files may contain empty lines before the
> Source section which seems to be valid to me.
> For example meld's control file looks like this:
> # This file is autogenerated. DO NOT EDIT!
> #
> # Modifications should be made to debian/ instead.
> # This file is regenerated automatically in the clean target.
> Source: meld
> Section: gnome
> Priority: optional
> ...
> py3versions fails to parse such files:
> $ py3versions -r debian/control
> py3versions: not a control file: debian/control,
> $
> The following small patch solves the problem:
> --- /usr/bin/py3versions    2012-10-21 23:50:01.000000000 +0200
> +++ py3versions    2014-02-24 03:06:46.082912790 +0100
> @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
>      with open(fn, encoding='utf-8') as controlfile:
>          lines = [line.strip() for line in controlfile]
>      for line in lines:
> -        if line == '':
> +        if line == '' and section != None:
>              if pkg == 'Source':
>                  break
>              section = None
> pyversions uses a similar check:
> ...
>        if line == '':
>             if section == None:
>                 continue
>             if pkg == 'Source':
>                 break
>             section = None
> ...
> Cheers,
> Balint

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