Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Stefan Breunig <>

* Package name    : livestreamer
  Version         : 1.7.3
  Upstream Author : Christopher Rosell
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-2-clause, MIT, Apache 2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : CLI that pipes video streams to video players

 Livestreamer is a Command Line Interface that pipes video
 streams from various services into a video player, such
 as VLC. The main purpose of Livestreamer is to allow the
 user to avoid buggy and CPU heavy flash plugins but still
 be able to enjoy various streamed content.
 Currently most of the big streaming services are supported
 (e.g. Dailymotion, Livestream,, Twitch, YouTube Live
  and UStream) and more specialized content providers can be
 added easily using Livestreamer’s plugin system.

Similar Packages:
cclive/quvi/nomnom: download non-live videos, optionally
  allowing them to be streamed.
get-iplayer: streams BBC TV and radio programmes, similar
  to how Livestreamer works. BBC is currently not supported
  by Livestreamer.
rtmpdump: allows streaming of media via the RTMP protocol
  if the RTMP URL is known. Sources/Qualities need to be
  manually extracted.

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