Chapel Of Destiny.

Po box 533 The. Gambia

*Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. *

Hear ye" the voice of the LORD saying; whatsoever that is going contrary in
your life today shall be well with you again, because His Word declares
that all things works together for Good to them that love HIM. See Romans
8: 28.

you are destined to make it in life: and you shall surely achieve all your
desired goals, hence-forth all your agonies will be diverted: a turnaround
for victory and restoration is about taking place in your life; it has been
divinely acknowledged by Heavenly witnesses; Struggle no more.

There shall be no more loneliness, sorrows and pains: because HE that sits
on the Throne JEHOVAH THE KING OF GLORY has remembered you. He will take
away the hardship, sickness, pains, loneliness, and give you JOY; He will
never let you down.

The right time of your expectation is about taking place, your season is
made, you shall soon ascend to that top, position yourself for it' because
it's the doing of the LORD. The battle is not yours.  See 2Chronicles 20:

Do not give up, do not accept defeat, and do not settle at that level you
are because greater is ahead, its neither late nor over for you to achieve
desired expectations, hope is not lost, afflictions shall not rise the
second time in your life.

A divine second chance has come your way: therefore mention only two things
which you want The LORD to accomplish in your life: it does not matter
where you belong or church you attend; take this opportunity and you shall
glorify GOD.

Should you have any confidential questions or needs for urgent attention or
fact finding services in any area of  your life; just feel free; the gift
of prophesy remains among HIS sufficient gift upon the life of HIS anointed
servant to direct your path.

 CHAPEL OF DESTINY shall meet your needs through Christ Jesus, remember
there is no distance in the spiritual realm' as well the spiritual things
determines the physical manifestation.

Present your case now and you shall experience a divine intervention:
Whatsoever you desire and ask so shall you receive Mark 11: 24.

God bless you

Evangelist Divine.

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