"In any case, it would be nice if ettercap would warn before disabling
packet forwarding, and also by default restore the forwarding setting
upon exit.  Doing so would avoid the awkward situation that engendered
this bug report."

This should be fixed in the development release, unfortunately it still needs 
LOT of testing before of a new release.

The problem was in the "restore" code.

Ettercap was starting, tweak ip forward, dropping its privileges, doing the 
good/bad stuff, trying to restore ip forward (but without enough privileges) -> 

Now instead of setuid we use seteuid, that should give us the possibility to 
become root again (and seems working so far).
reference: https://github.com/Ettercap/ettercap/blob/master/src/ec_utils.c 
(regain_privs function)
So the restoration code should work now.
Unfortunately there are some issues about an incorret ip-forward ssl rule 
reported, that might be related to this "regain/drop_privs" functions

So hopefully the next release will close this "issue" aswell.



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