On 12/03/14 10:39, Christopher James Halse Rogers wrote:
> Hi!
> It's been in an uploadable condition a couple of times over the last
> couple of years, but the DDs on the Debian X team have always been too
> busy to sponsor at those times (and I've never quite got around to apply
> for DD).
> I'll give it another update in git; a couple of the other Debian X guys
> are close to DD status, so the bandwidth for uploading should be better
> soon :)


I think is easier to find a sponsor for your packages if you follow the
documented procedure for RFS http://mentors.debian.net/sponsor/rfs-howto
or you ask for it directly on the debian-mentors mailing list.

Is also a good idea to include this bug in the CC, so people looking at
this ITP like me can know that you are already actively looking for an

Thanks for the update.

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