Control: tags -1 fixed-upstream

On Sun, Jul 07, 2013 at 06:44:41PM -0400, Brandon Simmons wrote:

> Actually I think the whole package is FUBAR for me:
>    $ sudo intel_gpu_top
>    Couldn't map MMIO region: Resource temporarily unavailable
>    $ sudo intel_backlight --help
>    Couldn't map MMIO region: Resource temporarily unavailable

I encountered this locally and fixed it by doing this:

      * Upgrade to the latest upstream version (1.6)
      * Comment out all of debian/patches
      * Add libcairo2-dev, swig2.0, python3-dev to the build-depends
      * Remove version.h and check-ndebug.h lines from tests/
      * Remove the intel_forcewaked line from debian/rules
      * Add usr/lib to debian/intel-gpu-tools.install
      * Rebuild and install


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