Dear Evgeny,

I strongly back your point of view.

As Neil wants a quick solution, I shall develop alternative depedencies
for expeyes which currently relies on grace: it will offer the
possibility to choose qtiplot.

I agree with you, a user which learned to use Xmgrace will grind loads
of work happily.

Best regards,                   Georges.

Evgeny Stambulchik a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm the [passive] upstream maintainer. Just to make things clear:
> 1. grace is perfectly happy using its own copy of t1lib. So you can
> safely remove the t1lib debian package.
> 2. Yes, perhaps only 0.34% of all users use it. But same can be said
> about 90% of the entire debian archive (for each package separately,
> of course).
> 3. Yes, it is potentially buggy and insecure. But since in 99.9% you
> use it within the projects you work yourself on, nothing wrong can
> happen. In the worst case you loose some time. (And in my
> experience, grace crashes MUCH less frequently than some
> high-profile softwares which are really exposed to the Internet.)
> 4. I have no time and intention right now to switch to freetype. For
> the scope it is currently used in grace, t1lib is adequate. When I
> come across a bug, I fix it - that's how the bundled t1lib copy got
> emerged in the first place.
> Best,
> Evgeny
> On 23/03/14 12:01, Neil Williams wrote:
> >On Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:01:39 +1100
> >Drew Parsons <> wrote:
> >
> >>Grace is one of the most useful packages in the entire archive.
> >
> >... for 0.34% of users of the archive, maybe. To me, it is simply an RC
> >buggy package which has had no new development upstream since 2012 and
> >which depends on an obsolete, abandoned library. Unless it can be
> >ported, it will need to be removed alongside t1lib.
> >
> >Those who care about grace need to scratch their own itch and fix it.
> >
> >>I am not aware of anything other package that provides the same degree
> >>of functionality.
> >>
> >>Removing it is not a good idea.
> >
> >Removing it is necessary, as explained. t1lib has been superseded and
> >packages which used to use it need to migrate. The other packages have
> >already done so, those which fail to do so cannot be supported when the
> >underlying dependency has been abandoned.
> >
> >

Georges KHAZNADAR et Jocelyne FOURNIER
22 rue des mouettes, 59240 Dunkerque France.
Téléphone +33 (0)3 28 29 17 70

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