Control: severity -1 critical


You closed #742021 and #742317 in a hurry, but the logic in /usr/bin/wine-unstable is to look for the real 32/64 binaries in the same directory while you moved them into /usr/lib/wine-unstable/, thus your package is unusable.

Clearly this release was *again* not tested, not the slightest. I fear I don't understand how running wine --version or the like would be difficult or time consuming enough to justify such kind of blind uploads while you're in the process of a complete rework of wine/wine-unstable packages (to be co-installable if I understood it well). You're really harming Debian and Debian users doing so, so please consider rethinking how you work for Debian, delegating, dropping packages to have a decent workload, i don't know, but PLEASE DO SOMETHING!


Marc Dequènes (Duck)

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