Source:  xcftools
Version: 1.0.7-4
Usertags: libpng15-transition


libpng maintainers have a plan transition of libpng16[0].

libpng16 is already installed in experimental, and we are re-building
the package depending on libpng16.
As a result, we checked that your package was FTBFS.
Would you check also in your environment?
And if you could confirm problem, could you fix this?


./dotest -k
===> ../xcf2pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz --mode Addition A B
===> ../xcf2png source/tiletest.xcf.gz --percent 33 Mid
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -z Background MID -o foo.pnm
===> zcat source/tiletest.xcf.gz | ../xcf2pnm - Background Vert --mask
Horiz --nomask
===> ../xcf2pnm -o o.pgm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background
===> ../xcf2png -o o.png -g source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background
===> ../xcf2pnm -o o.pgm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background -f
===> ../xcf2png -o o.png -g source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background -f
===> ../xcf2pnm -o o.pbm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background
===> ../xcf2pnm -o o.pbm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight
loop Long and low
===> ../xcf2pnm -o o.pbm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background -f
===> ../xcf2pnm -o o.pbm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background -f Straight
loop Long and low
===> ../xcf2pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode AntiErase
===> ../xcf2pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz -G
===> ../xcfinfo answer/modeA.png
===> ../xcf2png source/truncated.xcf
===> ../xcf2pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz -o o.pnm
===> ../xcf2pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz -b white -a a.pgm
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -a a.pgm
===> ../xcfinfo source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Long and low
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -b Plaid
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -S 10x
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -S 10x20x30
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -S 10x10 -O 2x4
===> ../xcf2png source/modetest.xcf.gz B A --mode GammaShift
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Mid --percent -3
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Mid --percent 20.2
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Mid --percent 101
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Mid --opacity -3
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Mid --opacity 220.2
===> ../xcf2pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Mid --opacity 256
===> cc enoent.c
===> ../xcfinfo source/nonexist.xcf
===> ../xcf2png -Z source/nonexist.xcf source/tiletest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2png -Z false source/tiletest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2pnm -Z answer/modeA.png source/comptest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcfinfo source/comptest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcfinfo source/modetest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcfinfo source/indextest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcfinfo source/badindexed0.xcf.gz
===> ../xcfinfo source/tiletest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcfinfo source/i256.xcf.gz
===> ../xcfinfo source/i255.xcf.gz
===> ../xcfinfo source/huetest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/comptest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/comptest.xcf.gz Background
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz B A -f
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Multiply
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Screen
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Overlay
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Difference
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode DarkenOnly
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode LightenOnly
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Divide
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Dodge
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Burn
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode GrainMerge
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Hardlight
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Hue
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Saturation
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Value
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz A B --mode Color
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/modetest.xcf.gz AE=AE A
--mode Normal B --mode Softlight
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/huetest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest-128.xcf.gz -O-128,-128 -S 161x161
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest-61.xcf.gz -O-61,-61
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest-128.xcf.gz Background
Straight loop Long and low -C -f
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest-61.xcf.gz Background
Straight loop Long and low -C -f
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -c
pnmdepth: promoting from PBM to PGM
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -g
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -m
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.ppm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop
pnmdepth: promoting from PBM to PGM
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pgm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pbm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pbm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -c
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight
loop Long and low
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight
loop Long and low -g
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -f
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -f -c
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight
loop Long and low -f
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -O17,17 -S32x32 Mid
pnmdepth: promoting from PBM to PGM
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -O17,17 -S32x32 Mid
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -O17,17 -S32x32 Mid -f
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -O17,17 -S32x32 -A
pnmdepth: promoting from PBM to PGM
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -O17,17 -S32x32 Mid
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -O17,17 -S32x32 -Af
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz -O17,17
-S32x32 Mid -Af
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/indextest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/badindexed0.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/indextest.xcf.gz -T
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/indextest.xcf.gz Background
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/i256.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Mid -S 27x25 -O 5,5 -b #963
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/masknoalpha.xcf.gz -b #FF0000
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/masknoalpha.xcf.gz -b #888888
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/masknoalpha.xcf.gz -b #000000
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm source/masknoalpha.xcf.gz -b #FFFFFF
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/modetest.xcf.gz A
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -c
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -f -c
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight
loop Long and low
pnmdepth: promoting from PBM to PGM
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -g
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight
loop Long and low -g
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -f
../xcf2png: Libpng error 'png_set_filler is invalid for low bit depth
gray output'
pnmtopng:  fatal libpng error: Read Error
pngtopnm: setjmp returns error condition
cmp: EOF on o.pnm
pnmtopng:  fatal libpng error: Read Error
pngtopnm: setjmp returns error condition
cmp: EOF on a.pnm
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight
loop Long and low -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight
loop Long and low -g
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/comptest.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/comptest.xcf.gz Partially transparent -f
pnmdepth: promoting from PBM to PGM
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz -A
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz -A -f
pnmdepth: promoting from PBM to PGM
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/modetest.xcf.gz -S16x20 -O48,46 -c
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/comptest.xcf.gz -S25x250 -O235,0 -f -g
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/modetest.xcf.gz -S16x20 -O48,46 -c -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/modetest.xcf.gz -S16x20 -O48,46 -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/modetest.xcf.gz A -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background Straight loop -f
../xcf2png: Libpng error 'png_set_filler is invalid for low bit depth
gray output'
pnmtopng:  fatal libpng error: Read Error
pngtopnm: setjmp returns error condition
cmp: EOF on o.pnm
pnmtopng:  fatal libpng error: Read Error
pngtopnm: setjmp returns error condition
cmp: EOF on a.pnm
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Background -S65x64 -O63,64 -f
../xcf2png: Libpng error 'png_set_filler is invalid for low bit depth
gray output'
pnmtopng:  fatal libpng error: Read Error
pngtopnm: setjmp returns error condition
cmp: EOF on o.pnm
pnmtopng:  fatal libpng error: Read Error
pngtopnm: setjmp returns error condition
cmp: EOF on a.pnm
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Doodle -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Doodle -b #f00 -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Doodle Straight loop -f -S5x5 -C
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Doodle Straight loop
-fb #00F -O0,0 -C
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/indextest.xcf.gz Background -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/indextest.xcf.gz Background -f -A
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz -O17,17 -S32x32 -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/tiletest.xcf.gz Mid -O5,5 -S27x25 -b #963 -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/indextest.xcf.gz Background
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/i255.xcf.gz
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/i255.xcf.gz -O0,2
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/i255.xcf.gz -O0,2 -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/i255.xcf.gz -O2,0 -f
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/i255.xcf.gz -O0,2 -b #F4F4F4
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/i255.xcf.gz -O2,0 -b #6c3
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/i256.xcf.gz
pnmdepth: promoting from PBM to PGM
===> ../xcf2png -oo.png source/i256.xcf.gz -A
===> ../xcf2pnm -@ -oo.pnm -aa.pnm source/tiletest.xcf.gz Mid Crossed
Background --mode LightenOnly Straight loop -f
3 of 141 tests FAILED


Best regards,


Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
   iwamatsu at { /}
   GPG ID: 40AD1FA6

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