Niek Green wrote:


I have attached a different variant of the patch, which
I prefer because it should have less overhead.
Can you try it also ?

Yep that one works too.

Great ! So that will be the one which I will promote upon
further testing.

Too bad, this is probably what I wanted, but your download
does not lead to measurable times. Good news for ntfs-3g
performance anyway. So forget about it.

What kind of time scale did you expect?
Later the time was a little bit more but not over 10 seconds.

With the new patch i got 5 seconds after downloading ~2GB.
I have no idea how much that was with the former patch.

Torrent-type downloads use several concurrent dowloading
threads feeding the file chunks in apparent random order.
For each chunk, the full list of fragments was initially
recompressed, and with the patch (the faulty one), the list
is only recompressed from the downloaded chunk to the end.

So, with a random chunk order, a factor of 2 was expected,
which your figures confirm. The difference between the two
patch variants should be much smaller.



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