Le mercredi, 9 avril 2014, 12.21:28 Ian Jackson a écrit :
> You have missed my key point about differences of goals between the
> two menu systems.  The trad menu explicitly has the goal of providing
> a menu item for every invokable thing; whereas the desktop menu
> maintainers want it to provide only entries for a much smaller subset
> of programs.
> This means that we need two systems.

I don't think I missed the point; I was bringing a orthogonal one. I 
understand you think the 'trad' menu is a useful metadata collection on top of 
$PATH for 'every invokable thing'; I happen to disagree.

> > Enforcing the use of the antique XPM format
> I don't think there is anything wrong with the xpm format for small
> fixed-size icons.  "Antique" is here a pejorative word for "well
> supported by a range of mature and reliable software".

For the record, I intended "antique" to litterally mean "antique": "Old, (...) 
out of date." [0]. You are putting words in my mouth by assuming I meant it in 
a pejorative way.

That said, while "old" is factual, "out of date" is arguably subjective. I 
think I can agree with there being nothing wrong with the xpm format for small 
fixed-size icons, but I don't think "small fixed-size icons" is the experience 
we should aim to offer in the future: screens and resolutions are still 
getting bigger and a 32^2 icons will look smaller and smaller (or uglier and 
uglier) over time. We do have more modern formats to use right now; we're not 
discussing adopting a brand new image format, but PNG or SVG!


[0] https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/antique

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