Op woensdag 9 april 2014 15:07:08 schreef Klemens Baum:
> Package: ca-certificates
> Following the OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 "Heartbleed" vulnerability [1,2],
> any certificate that was used with an vulnerable version of OpenSSL (I
> read somewhere 1/3 of the web) should be handled as it is compromised.
> Compromised certificates have to be replaced with new ones (new keys)
> and the old ones should be revoked.
> StartCom provides cheap and even free SSL certificates via the
> StartSSL brand. However, certificates revoking cerificates requires a
> US$ 24.90 fee [3].

Whatever you and I think of this pricing structure, people free to chose any 
provider of certificates that matches their pricing interest and that people 
are knowingly or should be knowlingly buying a product that has a certain 
price structure when they get the certificates in the first place.

Revoking a certificate is generally primarily in the interest of the owner of 
said certificate so there is incentive to actually pay this fee.

I do not believe it is Debian's place to pass judgement on which pricing 
scheme people should prefer, even if you and I personally rather pay up front 
and have no costs on revocation.


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