Gunnar Wolf dijo [Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:44:52AM -0500]:
> (...)
> I *do* see some other minified javascripts in the same directory:
> prototype.php includes Prototype (we currently ship 1.7.1),
> although I don't understand why it has a PHP header...
> (...)

OK, and I see in debian/copyright that somewhere along the history we
did have a include/js/uncompressed directory, and we had more
identifiable information regarding the files you mention:

    Files: include/js/calendar.js
    Copyright: © Michael Loesler
    License: GPL-3+

    Files: include/js/jsval.js
    Copyright: © 2003, 2005 Timo Haberkern, Karl Seguin
    License: LGPL-2+

    Files: include/js/uncrompressed/lytebox.js include/js/lytebox.js
    Copyright: © 2007 Markus F. Hay
    License: CC-BY-3.0

...So I'll dig into the history, and check with the authors on why the
directory is no longer included.

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