On Thursday, 2014-04-24, 14:23:07, Valerio Vanni wrote:

> After the unmount, in Squeeze it's possible to reconnect the drive clicking
> on the previous icons. In Wheezy, all icons disappear and you can't do
> anything (until the drive has not been phisically unplugged and replugged).

I have seen this as well but I though that this was a problem in udisks or 
some other system daemon.

The reason for this assessment was that the device is gone, e.g. if I check 
which device is mounted while the mount is active, the same device (as in 
/dev/sdXX) is no longer present when the unmount has happend.

So something on the system level must have removed that device node and only 
pyhsically reattaching the device makes it appear again.


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