On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 11:53:53PM -0500, David Smith wrote:
> If you have any other suggestions in particular, I'm all ears.
Umh... maybe something like:
Liferea is a reader for RSS and Atom feeds.
Advanced feeds are also supported, such as RDF, Echo and PIE feeds, CDF
channels and OCS directories.
TinyTinyRSS synchronization is supported so that you can synchronize your
feeds and (un)read items across multiple devices automatically.
It also supports social networking and integration with Facebook, Google+,
Reddit, Twitter, Slashdot, Digg, Yahoo and many more, so you can share your
favorite news articles.
Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader.

Here I removed all old refereces (FeedReader and Google Reader) and reworded
the senteces, in order to make the description less complex.

                                                Mattia Rizzolo

GPG Key: 4096R/B9444540 http://goo.gl/I8TMB
more about me:          http://mapreri.org
Launchpad User:         https://launchpad.net/~mapreri
Ubuntu Wiki page:       https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MattiaRizzolo

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