Package: elektra
Version: 0.7.1-1
Usertags: goto-cc

During a rebuild of all packages in a clean sid chroot (and cowbuilder+pbuilder)
the build failed with the following error. Please note that we use our research
compiler tool-chain (using tools from the cbmc package), which permits extended
reporting on type inconsistencies at link time.

gcc -g -O2 -o kdb_static kdb_static-kdb-tool.o kdb_static-help.o 
kdb_static-BSDgetopt.o  ../libelektra/libelektra.a -lxml2

error: conflicting function declarations 
old definition in module exported_symbols file ./exported_symbols.h line 6
void (void)
new definition in module filesys file filesys.c line 765
struct _KDB * (void)

It may be the case that no code actually uses the declaration of
exported_symbols.h - if so, it shouldn't be included in the linking process


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