
On Sun 20 Nov 2005 12:47 +0100, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Re: Luca Capello in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> It seems that you completely ignored the rest of my report.
> The rest of the report said the same.

Let me disagree explaining why I opened this bug:

1) I used caff to sign Martin's key.

2) I couldn't see the bcc: mails caff sent to me.

3) My key signed by Martin to zoo.unige.ch was screwed-up.

4) I thought the university mail server cannot handle encrypted mails
   (it can handle signed mails as I always send signed mails).

5) I tried with Mozilla and Gnus via the university mail server and
   the encrypted mails were readable.

6) I filed this bug, _explaining_ that ATM the problem is specific to
   the couple caff + university mail server (which is what you can
   find in the rest of my report).

Anyway, now that I was asked for more info the above is just the
interpretation I give to my report: maybe my English wasn't perfect,
so excuse me :-)

> If you want your report to be of any help, please send the full
> messages, including headers. (Preferably gzipped, to prevent any
> breakage of the line wraps, etc.)

Attached 4 different messages:

a) One of Martin's key signed by me.

b) My key signed by Martin to zoo.unige.ch.

c) An encrypted message sent using Mozilla.

d) An encrypted message sent using Gnus.

I'm not at university, now, so I cannot try other combinations, but
I'm more than happy to test whatever it is needed.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

Attachment: Martin-key-signed-by-me.msg.gz
Description: Martin's key signed by me

Attachment: my-key-signed-by-Martin.msg.gz
Description: My key signed by Martin

Attachment: test-encryption-mozilla.msg.gz
Description: Mozilla encrypted mail

Attachment: test-encryption-gnus.msg.gz
Description: Gnus encrypted mail

Attachment: pgpS54hwJDofU.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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