Op za 19 nov 2005 om 07:50:29 +0100 schreef Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2005 at 01:17:04PM +0100, Joost van Baal wrote:
> > 
> > The list of iptables frontends in the Securing Debian Manual is getting
> > out of date fast.  I guess it's better to maintain such a list on a
> > wiki.  (See also
> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-firewall/2005/10/msg00045.html .) I've
> > copied the volatile stuff to the Firewalls page on
> > http://wiki.debian.org/Firewalls.  Attached patch removes it from the
> > manual, and adjusts the surrounding text to refer to the Wiki.
> I don't agree that the list should be removed, there's a number of
> firewalling programs that are widely used and are not going to disappear from
> Debian in any foreseable future (that includes firestarter, shorewall and
> knetfilter). It might be goot to point to other resources, however.

OK, I guess you're right.  Here's a new patch.



--- services.sgml.orig  2005-11-19 12:37:00.571383340 +0100
+++ services.sgml       2005-11-20 16:35:18.883807998 +0100
@@ -1600,25 +1600,12 @@
 that the administrator can configure is a definition of the allowed and
 disallowed network traffic that is used to generate a set of firewall
 rules that the system will execute on startup.
-<item><package>mason</package>, an application which can propose
-firewall rules based on the network traffic your system "sees".
-<item><package>lokkit</package> or <package>gnome-lokkit</package>
-<item><package>ipac-ng</package>, helps setup not traditional firewall
-rules but network traffic classification rules.
-<!-- No longer available :
+<p>Lots of other iptables frontends come with Debian; an extensive list
+comparing the different packages in Debian is maintained at the <url
+id="http://wiki.debian.org/Firewalls"; name="Firewalls page on the Debian
 <p>Notice that some of the packages outlined previously will
 introduce firewalling scripts to be run when the system boots.

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