control: severity -1 normal
control: tags -1 + moreinfo

Hi Yann,

thanks for taking the time to file a bug against piuparts. Even though I 
basically dismiss it, I do appreciate the feedback. (And I have changed my 
mind in the past too :)

On Dienstag, 20. Mai 2014, Yann Dirson wrote:
> shows that, while using dist-upgrade may
> be useful and can reveal problems, it does not test *just* the package
> upgrade it claims to be testing (sounds obvious, but well... ;).

Yes, it's obvious and I'd also argue it's obviously the right thing to do. So 
in fact I'm also considering to just close your bug (as not a bug, but design) 
and/or make it wishlist and close it then.

The usual way to upgrade the system is precisely to use "apt-get upgrade" or 
"apt-get dist-upgrade" and _not_ to upgrade a single package with "apt-get 
install $package/$version" - that's not a common real world use case.

(Plus you seem to be having used aptitude in 726799, which IME not always 
produces the same results as apt-get.)
> In this case, a number of hours have been wasted hunting for a
> seemingly-unreproducible bug, that was in fact perfectly reproducible,
> but just wrongly characterized.

This is unfortunate but this happens. This would also happen sometimes if 
piuparts would test things differently.

> * we surely need a better test procedure for package ugrades
>   => what's wrong with just "apt-get install $PACKAGE/sid" ?

See above. Also, (I believe) you speak from the perspective of one bug in one 
package - I've watched ten thousands of logfiles so far. (The whole setup has 
roughly a quarter million current logfiles and for the vast majority the tests 
are fine.)
> * we do need a test procedure that would reproducibly find this kind
>   of bugs

we (=Debian, not just piuparts) surely can use more tests. Check the wishlist 
bugs against piuparts to learn about some more test cases (ie testing with 
/usr/local readonly) - and as said, those are just piuparts related ones.

>   What I'm thinking of is something like a tool that would start with
>   a large installation of packages from testing, and which would
>   test-upgrade each one of those packages separately.

Interesting idea. Though, IME nobody does this, I mean: no user in the real 
world upgrades her system like this, so whats the point?

OTOH I have implemented other upgrade tests, see

>   Similarly, triggers could be tested from a similar setup (both for
>   testing and sid).

As always: patches welcome. I think such tests would be more suited on though.

>   (and probably a ton of other tests like that)

Yes, sure. is also quite 

Hm, after writing this mail I indeed think about and closing this bug. Because, I 
cannot come up with a bug title which is sensible to me. Except maybe 
"piuparts should have an option to just upgrade a single package and not the 
system" but then I disagree thats a useful option/test... (though if someone 
sends a patch I'd probably take it. I don't disagree about the feature, even 
though I disagree with using it for

Further feedback welcome.


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