Package: swarp Version: 2.19.1-1 Usertags: goto-cc During an analysis of all Debian packages using our research compiler tool-chain (using tools from the cbmc package) the following error was found:
cc -D_REENTRANT -g -O2 -o swarp back.o coadd.o data.o field.o fitswcs.o header.o interpolate.o main.o makeit.o prefs.o projapprox.o resample.o threads.o weight.o xml.o ../src/fits/libfits.a ../src/wcs/libwcs_c.a -lpthread -lm warning: conflicting pointer types for variable "outbuf" old definition in module coadd file coadd.c line 53 float * new definition in module resample file resample.c line 68 float * * warning: conflicting pointer types for variable "outwbuf" old definition in module coadd file coadd.c line 53 float * new definition in module resample file resample.c line 68 float * * If outbuf is not to be used jointly by the two files (which may be possible), it should be declared static in both of the files. Else things will almost necessarily go wrong as floats will suddenly be used as pointers. Best, Michael
Description: PGP signature