Ubuntu launchpad bug report

attachment: patch for current init script (haproxy 1.4.25)


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--- haproxy.init	2014-04-16 11:42:52.365613000 +0200
+++ haproxy_conf.d.init	2014-06-03 09:24:17.746550000 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # Provides:          haproxy
 # Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $remote_fs
@@ -9,159 +9,187 @@
 # Description:       This file should be used to start and stop haproxy.
-# Author: Arnaud Cornet <acor...@debian.org>
+# Authors:
+#  Arnaud Cornet <acor...@debian.org>
+#  David Gabriel <d...@oeamtc.at>
+# added missing features:
+#  - configtest (automatically run before start/reload/restart)
+#  - support for conf.d folder to load additional config files 
+SITECONFIG=$(find /etc/haproxy/conf.d/ -type f -name '*.cfg' 2>/dev/null | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ -f /g'i)
-test -x $HAPROXY || exit 0
+if [[ ! -x ${HAPROXY} ]]; then log_daemon_msg "haproxy binary not found, aborting!" && exit 1; fi
+if [[ ! -f "${GLOBALCONFIG}" ]]; then log_daemon_msg "haproxy config not found, aborting!"; exit 1; fi
 if [ -e /etc/default/haproxy ]; then
 	. /etc/default/haproxy
+test "${ENABLED}" != "0" || log_daemon_msg "haproxy administratively disabled (check /etc/default/haproxy), aborting."; exit 0
-test -f "$CONFIG" || exit 0
-test "$ENABLED" != "0" || exit 0
+if [[ -z ${SITECONFIG} ]]; then
 [ -f /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS
 . /lib/lsb/init-functions
+haproxy_check() {
+  if ! ${HAPROXY} -q -c ${CONFIG} 2>/dev/null; then
+   echo -en " * Configuration errors detected, aborting further actions!\n"
+   echo -en " * Run:\n\n  ${HAPROXY} -c ${CONFIG}\n\n  * Fix any errors and try again.\n"
+   exit 1
+  else
+   log_daemon_msg "Looking good :)"
+  fi
-	start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile "$PIDFILE" \
-		--exec $HAPROXY -- -f "$CONFIG" -D -p "$PIDFILE" \
-		$EXTRAOPTS || return 2
-	return 0
+haproxy_start() {
+  start-stop-daemon \
+    --start \
+    --pidfile "${PIDFILE}" \
+    --exec ${HAPROXY} -- \
+    ${CONFIG} \
+    -D \
+    -p ${PIDFILE} \
+		${EXTRAOPTS} || return 2
+  return 0
-	if [ ! -f $PIDFILE ] ; then
-		# This is a success according to LSB
-		return 0
-	fi
-	for pid in $(cat $PIDFILE) ; do
-		/bin/kill $pid || return 4
-	done
-	rm -f $PIDFILE
-	return 0
+haproxy_stop() {
+  if [ ! -f ${PIDFILE} ] ; then
+    # This is a success according to LSB
+    return 0
+  fi
+  for pid in $(cat ${PIDFILE}) ; do
+    /bin/kill $pid || return 4
+  done
+  rm -f ${PIDFILE}
+  return 0
-		|| return 2
-	return 0
+haproxy_reload() {
+  ${HAPROXY} ${CONFIG} -p ${PIDFILE} -D ${EXTRAOPTS} -sf $(cat ${PIDFILE}) || return 2
+  return 0
-	if [ ! -f $PIDFILE ] ; then
-		# program not running
-		return 3
-	fi
-	for pid in $(cat $PIDFILE) ; do
-		if ! ps --no-headers p "$pid" | grep haproxy > /dev/null ; then
-			# program running, bogus pidfile
-			return 1
-		fi
-	done
+haproxy_status() {
+  if [ ! -f ${PIDFILE} ] ; then
+    # program not running
+    return 3
+  fi
+  for pid in $(cat ${PIDFILE}) ; do
+    if ! ps --no-headers p "$pid" | grep haproxy > /dev/null ; then
+       # program running, bogus pidfile
+       return 1
+    fi
+  done
-	return 0
+  return 0
 case "$1" in
-	log_daemon_msg "Starting haproxy" "haproxy"
-	haproxy_start
-	ret=$?
-	case "$ret" in
-	0)
-		log_end_msg 0
-		;;
-	1)
-		log_end_msg 1
-		echo "pid file '$PIDFILE' found, haproxy not started."
-		;;
-	2)
-		log_end_msg 1
-		;;
-	esac
-	exit $ret
-	;;
-	log_daemon_msg "Stopping haproxy" "haproxy"
-	haproxy_stop
-	ret=$?
-	case "$ret" in
-	0|1)
-		log_end_msg 0
-		;;
-	2)
-		log_end_msg 1
-		;;
-	esac
-	exit $ret
-	;;
-	log_daemon_msg "Reloading haproxy" "haproxy"
-	haproxy_reload
-	ret=$?
-	case "$ret" in
-	0|1)
-		log_end_msg 0
-		;;
-	2)
-		log_end_msg 1
-		;;
-	esac
-	exit $ret
-	;;
-	log_daemon_msg "Restarting haproxy" "haproxy"
-	haproxy_stop
-	haproxy_start
-	ret=$?
-	case "$ret" in
-	0)
-		log_end_msg 0
-		;;
-	1)
-		log_end_msg 1
-		;;
-	2)
-		log_end_msg 1
-		;;
-	esac
-	exit $ret
-	;;
-	haproxy_status
-	ret=$?
-	case "$ret" in
-	0)
-		echo "haproxy is running."
-		;;
-	1)
-		echo "haproxy dead, but $PIDFILE exists."
-		;;
-	*)
-		echo "haproxy not running."
-		;;
-	esac
-	exit $ret
-	;;
-	echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/haproxy {start|stop|reload|restart|status}"
-	exit 2
-	;;
+ configtest)
+  log_daemon_msg "Running haproxy configtest..."
+  haproxy_check
+ ;;
+ start)
+  log_daemon_msg "Running haproxy configtest..."
+  haproxy_check
+  log_daemon_msg "Starting haproxy" "haproxy"
+  haproxy_start
+  ret=$?
+  case "$ret" in
+    0) log_end_msg 0
+       ;;
+    1) log_end_msg 1
+       echo "pid file '${PIDFILE}' found, haproxy not started."
+       ;;
+    2) log_end_msg 1
+       ;;
+  esac
+  exit $ret
+ ;;
+ stop)
+  log_daemon_msg "Stopping haproxy" "haproxy"
+  haproxy_stop
+  ret=$?
+  case "$ret" in
+    0|1) log_end_msg 0
+       ;;
+    2) log_end_msg 1
+       ;;
+  esac
+  exit $ret
+ ;;
+ reload|force-reload)
+  log_daemon_msg "Running haproxy configtest..."
+  haproxy_check
+  log_daemon_msg "Reloading" "haproxy"
+  haproxy_reload
+  case "$?" in
+    0|1) log_end_msg 0
+       ;;
+    2) log_end_msg 1
+       ;;
+  esac
+ ;;
+ restart)
+  log_daemon_msg "Running haproxy configtest..."
+  haproxy_check
+  log_daemon_msg "Restarting" "haproxy"
+  haproxy_stop
+  haproxy_start
+  case "$?" in
+    0) log_end_msg 0
+       ;;
+    1) log_end_msg 1
+       ;;
+    2) log_end_msg 1
+       ;;
+  esac
+ ;;
+ status)
+  haproxy_status
+  ret=$?
+  case "$ret" in
+    0) echo "haproxy is running."
+       ;;
+    1) echo "haproxy dead, but ${PIDFILE} exists."
+       ;;
+    *) echo "haproxy not running."; ret="3"	# return code 3, so pacemaker knows service should not be running
+       ;;
+  esac
+  exit $ret
+ ;;
+ *)
+  echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/haproxy {configtest|start|stop|reload|restart|status}"
+  exit 2
+ ;;

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