Severity: normal

Note that I'm not part of the QA team, so am unsure if this request
should be RoQA — But am doing it because of QA.

imsniff's description reads:

  The imsniff program can be used to log IM activity on the
  network. It uses libpcap to capture packets and analyzes them,
  logging conversation, contact lists, etc.

This could surely seem interesting. However, after a couple of
paragraph, it closes by saying:

   imsniff is beta software, for now, only MSN is supported. Others
   could follow.

imsniff has not seen a Debian upload since February 2011 (and the
upstream vesion never evolved beyond 0.04, uploaded initially in
2004. I have (perhaps redundantly?) filed an RC bug on it (#750964)
stating this issue.

I believe the package should not be part of any future Debian


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