WOOT! thanks a lot! your analysis is incredibly useful. It makes
perfectly sense. I feel bad about using the embeeded version of the
lib, and I'd love if you could find some time to investigate further.
I'm rather underwater right now, unfortunately.

Thanks, Mt.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 04:29:46AM -0700, ERIIX Blaike wrote:
> I can't say I'm entirely happy with my result so far, but I have
> figured out the general thrust of this bug.  Minetest seems
> incompatible with the libjsoncpp in Debian.  Solving this issue
> properly may be a mess, but the proof for the location of the problem
> also suggests a temporary workaround.
> If you have the Minetest source available (Upstream source --
> "git://github.com/minetest/minetest"), it contains "src/json/".  From
> within, you can simply "g++ -shared jsoncpp.cpp -o libjsoncpp.so.0"
> and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to force the current Debian package to load
> that preferentially to the system-wide version.  Suddenly, the server
> list and online mod repo work as they do upstream.
> An obvious temporary solution is to keep the bundled libjsoncpp, but a
> long-term solution will require figuring out why the system libjsoncpp
> fails and either making it work correctly or making Minetest use it
> correctly, dependent on which is behaving improperly.
> I haven't looked too deeply into which is responsible, though I'd
> suspect Minetest.  I'll look into it later, but it is quite late right
> now, so I figured I'd send in what I have and get to bed.

Je préfère glisser ma peau sous les draps pour le plaisir des sens
que la risquer sous les drapeaux pour le prix de l'essence.

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