
> upstream said[0] that this is not a bug in lxc, but in apparmor or the 
> kernel, thus
> reassigning to apparmor.
> [0] https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/235

There are two problems here:

1. According to John Goerzen's report upstream, lxc-start is confined,
   but apparently the container is not. That might be a bug in our
   apparmor package. John, may you please check if processes inside
   the container are confined (e.g. the shell from which you're
   writing to /proc/sys/fs/...)?

2. The container profiles (/etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-default) shipped in
   the lxc package can't possibly work yet, as they all use mount
   rules, that are only available when using AppArmor 2.8.95
   userspace, plus some out-of-tree kernel patches: that's why the
   Upstart job provided by upstream doesn't load these profiles unless
   /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/features/mount/mask exists.

   IMO that's clearly a bug in the lxc package, to ship stuff that
   depends on a version of another package that's not in Debian yet
   (in Ubuntu, lxc depends on apparmor (>= 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu4),
   combined with out-of-tree kernel features that are not in Debian
   either. *But*, from a "let's get better AppArmor support in Debian"
   strategic PoV, I'd rather *not* see the maintainer of lxc in Debian
   drop the AppArmor support altogether: having it in makes it easier
   to experiment and improve things, e.g. for anyone who would want to
   test 2.8.95 + the minimal amount of out-of-tree Linux patches
   needed for mount mediation, if e.g. they were going to try and get
   these patches in the kernel we ship in Jessie. So, I'd rather not
   bother Daniel about this.

   Still, it would be great if the lxc Debian package did document
   these limitations. Given that Daniel is not interested in AppArmor,
   a bug report with a patch attached would seem to be the most
   sensible approach. Any taker?

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