Package: debbugs

== 1st try ==

> forcemerge 660826 751428
Bug #660826 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch - distributed RESTful search and analytics
751428 was not blocked by any bugs.
751428 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 751428: 736651
751428 was blocked by: 736651
751428 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 751428: 736647
751428 was blocked by: 736647 736651
751428 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 751428: 58903
Failed to forcibly merge 660826: can't find location for 58903.

== 2nd try ==

> noowner 751428
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch - distributed RESTful search and analytics
Removed annotation that Bug was owned by Mark Clarke <>.
> retitle 751428 ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
> built on top of Apache Lucene
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch - distributed RESTful search and analytics
Changed Bug title to 'ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene' from 'ITP: elasticsearch - distributed RESTful 
search and analytics'
> forcemerge 660826 751428
Bug #660826 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
751428 was blocked by: 736651 736647 58903
751428 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 751428: 736645
751428 was blocked by: 736647 736651 58903 736645
751428 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 751428: 736652
751428 was blocked by: 736651 736647 58903 736645 736652
751428 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 751428: 736653
751428 was blocked by: 736647 736651 58903 736645 736652 736653
751428 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 751428: 736644
Added tag(s) pending.
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
Unable to complete merge on previous attempt; trying again (retry: 2)
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
Unable to complete merge on previous attempt; trying again (retry: 3)
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
After four attempts, the following changes were unable to be made:
blockedby of #751428 is '736651 736647 58903 736645 736652 736644 736653' not 
'736651 736647 58903 736645 736652 736653 736644'
Failed to forcibly merge 660826: Unable to modify bugs so they could be merged.

== 3rd try ==

> merge 660826 751428
Bug #660826 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
Unable to merge bugs because:
blockedby of #751428 is '736651 736647 58903 736645 736652 736644 736653' not 
'736651 736647 58903 736645 736652 736653 736644'
Failed to merge 660826: Did not alter merged bugs
        Debbugs::Control::set_merged('transcript', 'GLOB(0x1e19578)', 
'requester', 'Mattia Rizzolo <>', 'request_addr', 
'', 'request_msgid', 
'<20140616084131.GC31667@trusty-notebook>', 'request_subject', ...) called at 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/Debbugs/Control/ line 538
        eval {...} called at 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/Debbugs/Control/ line 537
        Debbugs::Control::Service::control_line('line', undef, 'clonebugs', 
'HASH(0x1d8e0b8)', 'limit', 'HASH(0x1d8daa0)', 'common_control_options', 
'ARRAY(0x1d8dae8)', 'errors', ...) called at /usr/lib/debbugs/service line 474

== 4th try ==

> forcemerge 660826 751428
Bug #660826 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
Unable to complete merge on previous attempt; trying again (retry: 2)
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
Unable to complete merge on previous attempt; trying again (retry: 3)
Bug #751428 [wnpp] ITP: elasticsearch -- Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine 
built on top of Apache Lucene
After four attempts, the following changes were unable to be made:
blockedby of #751428 is '736651 736647 58903 736645 736652 736644 736653' not 
'736651 736647 58903 736645 736652 736653 736644'
Failed to forcibly merge 660826: Unable to modify bugs so they could be merged.

At the end Don was needed:;bug=751428

<dondelelcaro> mapreri: the problem is that 736644 is in one block
set and 58903 is in the other; there are some bugs which have screwed up block
<dondelelcaro> mapreri: your best bet is to unblock those bugs, then
re-block them, and try to forcemerge again
<dondelelcaro> mapreri: if it doesn't work, or if you get stuck,
<mapreri> dondelelcaro: umh.... as far as I can see #736644 and #58903 are in
both block sets, how can you state that? Are you suggesting me to `unblock
751428 by 736644 58903` && `unblock 660826 by 736644 58903` && `forcemerge
660826 751428` && `block 660826 by 736644 58903`?
<dondelelcaro> mapreri: oh, so they are. 736653 isn't, though.
<dondelelcaro> I'm not sure why the order is wrong, either... they should be
numerically sorted
<dondelelcaro> this came out of a bit of a bug with the previous implementation
of forcemerge, which didn't properly handle blocked and merged bugs
<mapreri> even 736653 is in both. the point is that the blocking bugs aren't
<mapreri> (looks so, at least)
<mapreri> dondelelcaro: do you want to take care of it? and catch the bug?
<dondelelcaro> mapreri: ah, right
<dondelelcaro> mapreri: I think this is a bug that I fixed quite a while ago..
but perhaps forcemerge shouldn't worry about the ordering of the bugs so long as
the set is the same
<mapreri> In my opinion both: forcemerge shouldn't care of order and the bugs
should be ordered, but that's up to you, from my point of view the important bit
is: "it must work" :)
<dondelelcaro> mapreri: yeah; that's how it should work. Please file a bug
against debbugs so I have a record of it
<mapreri> dondelelcaro: ok.

Thanks you for maintaining debbugs!

                                                Mattia Rizzolo

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