Hello there,

I have absolutely identical problem as if you copy-pasted it from my logs.

Now I have simply manually changed this new directory 3.003002 to --  chown to 
debian-spamd.debian-spamd /var/lib/spamaassassin/3.003002  -- and I am done and 
it all flew back into life by running my daily crons correctly.

However, this is quite new and interesting to find out that doing a manual 
sa-update as root changes this directory’s permissions, user and group. This is 
like wow!

Since everybody speaks about moral here then my "5 cents" about the moral of 
all this is that it has to be changed by all means in my opinion. They have to 
choose a method and stick to that method and then accordingly and adequately 
reflect it in documentation. Let’s say deny sa-update by root and hard code it 
to be run by debian-spamd only as this is safer (I guess) and then simplify it 
by telling the one who runs the update right on the command line how to do it 
correctly if tried to run as root. 

The other way around approach with two existing options is fine with me as well 
as long as they (options) are clearly and extensively documented and do not 
cause any problems if run by either root or debain-spamd. I think this is also 
easily achievable by doing so in code.

Good luck to all.


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