>"kde-config --path xfdgonc-menu" told me:

search path looks ok, this is supposed to be different from the normal one 
as it's derived from the freedesktop basedirectory specification (i.e. it 
uses XDG_CONFIG_DIRS and associated defaults instead of KDEDIRS and 
associated defaults)

To break down the search path above:

/home/foo/.config/menus/ -> personal settings as specified by freedesktop 
menu specification (which builds on the freedesktop basedirectory spec), 
definately correct

/etc/xdg/menus/ -> standard systemwide settings as specified by freedesktop 
menu specification (here's the stuff where the stuff from the menu-xdg 
package ends up), definately correct

/etc/kde-profile/foo/etc/xdg/menus/ -> added by kiosktool I'm guessing, does 
kiosktool actually place the menu files in here? if there's a fault in the 
search path it would be here, but it looks correct at first glance

-> this would seem to be a bug in kiosktool not kde-config
Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)
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