Am 25.06.2014 10:20, schrieb Martin Pitt:
> E. g. in wheezy the rule looked like
>   SUBSYSTEM=="scsi", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="scsi_device", TEST!="[module/sg]", 
> RUN+="/sbin/modprobe -b sg"
> So the main change was that we now use the kmod builtin instead of
> calling modprobe. The latter is much slower, and thus I suppose this
> delayed sg long enough for the sd module to actually detect and "grab"
> the SCSI disks. From that POV it's rather curious that this never led
> to boot problems before (or at least not up to the point where people
> filed bugs).
> So I propose for now to go back to modprobe. It's a disaster waiting
> to happen, but apparently it has worked for many years so let's go
> back to a known-working state. I'll do that change in git now.

Ben, Russel: I'm about to make the upload with the change Martin
mentioned, but it would be great if you can confirm that using

SUBSYSTEM=="scsi", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="scsi_device", TEST!="[module/sg]",
RUN+="/sbin/modprobe -b sg"

actually works for you as well.
Can you please re-add above rule to 80-drivers.rule and test again.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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