Control: tags -1 + wontfix

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 11:27:28AM +0200, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> source tree contains libcontainer which provides nsinit, a
> nsenter-like utility that would be useful to interact with instances
> since we currently don't have any tools for that in Debian (util-linux
> is not recent enough).
> Could you provide it in the next package?

As Paul mentioned over on #751971, this is not something that's likely
to happen since upstream is against it:

11:00 < joelmoss> any reason why nsinit is not built when docker is installed?
11:00 <@shykes> joelmoss: nsinit is just a debug/dev tool. It's not supported 
as an end-user tool

Paul Tagliamonte wrote (on #751971):
> When we ship libcontainer, I'll consider adding libcontainer-bin or
> something :)

- Tianon

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