On 06/26/2014 02:32 AM, Daniel Koch wrote:
> # Remove T440 from dock
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: Laptop mode
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: enabled, active
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: Laptop mode
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: enabled, active
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: Laptop mode
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: enabled, active [unchanged]
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: Laptop mode
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: enabled, active [unchanged]
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: Laptop mode
> Jun 25 22:54:58 claw-t430 laptop-mode: enabled, active [unchanged]
> Jun 25 22:54:59 claw-t430 laptop-mode: Laptop mode
> Jun 25 22:54:59 claw-t430 laptop-mode: enabled, active [unchanged]
> Jun 25 22:54:59 claw-t430 laptop-mode: Laptop mode
> Jun 25 22:54:59 claw-t430 laptop-mode: enabled, active [unchanged]
> Jun 25 22:54:59 claw-t430 laptop-mode: Laptop mode
> Jun 25 22:54:59 claw-t430 laptop-mode: enabled, active [unchanged]

This is interesting. Because even if it is an undock event, it also
should have a power loss event. I'm not sure why LMT did not see it.
Can it be that the power loss event was suppressed ???

Can you run 'udevadm monitor' and then do the dock / undock activity ?
That should tell us what all events were generated.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
Debian - The Universal Operating System

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