
> Last time I tried libkolab(xml) (I have the rouncube-plugins-kolab
> pending for upload here, I tried that 6 months back), I observed my
> apache2 server starting up the complete KDE (kdelibs) stack as user
> www-data (in /var/log/apache/error.log I saw all KDE-related messages
> you normally get when you run STARTUP=startkde startx from a terminal).
> Did that get fixed with that new release if libkolab???

the point is, that libkolab can be compiled  with two different libraries. 
Either kdepimlibs are used or libcalendering. For using libkolab for kontact 
kdepimlibs is the thing you want to use, 'cause you need it anyway :)

For serverside it looks different. There you don't want to install so many kde 
depenencies, that's why kolab starts shipping libcalendering [1]. This is a 
subset of kdepimlibs to be using only qt without kdelibs. But this 
libcalendering isn't available inside debian. 

So to make it short: Until now, if you install libkolab you'll install kdelibs 
as dependeny too.



[1] http://git.kolab.org/libcalendaring/

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